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- Cronic
- When visiting other countries it is helpful to have a translator. So,
- when visiting DC or related government activities, this guide will help
- to better understand the presented briefing or topic. :-)
- Write in your report... What it means:
- ------------------------------- --------------
- Essentially complete It's half done
- Schedule exposure It slipped three weeks ago
- We predict We hope to God
- Screen design is lagging Not a single screen exists
- Risk is high but acceptable 100 to 1 odds; or, with 10 times
- the budget and 10 times the
- people, we stand a 50/50 chance
- Potential show stopper The team has updated their resumes
- Serious, but no insurmountable It'll take a miracle
- problems
- Basic agreement reached The &%$#@'s won't even talk to us
- Results are being quantified We're massaging the numbers so
- that they will agree with our
- conclusions
- Task force to review 7 people who are incompetent at
- their regular jobs have been
- loaned to the project
- Not well defined Nobody's thought about it
- Not well understood Now that we've thought about it,
- we don't want to think about it
- anymore
- Requires further analysis Totally out of control
- and management attention
- Results are encouraging Power-on produced no smoke
- Awaiting installation Design package has been thrown
- over fence to operations
- Awaiting redlines Operations threw it back
- Hardware installation complete It's software's fault
- Software installation complete It's hardware's fault
- Hardware and software It's operation's fault
- installation complete
- Software is cycling Computer must be rebooted
- after each pass
- System is ready for delivery We give up
- System was shipped It's lost in our warehouse
- We would like to offer Give us more money and we'll try
- to enhancements/upgrades make
- it work.
- A number of different We're still guessing.
- approaches are being tried.
- An extensive report is being We just hired three kids right out
- prepared for a fresh of college.
- approach to the problem.
- Close project coordination We know who to blame.
- A major technological It works okay, but looks very high
- breakthrough tech.
- Customer satisfaction is We are so far behind schedule the
- assured on delivery. customer will be happy to get it
- at all.
- Preliminary operational tests The damn thing blew up when we
- were inconclusive. turned it on.
- Test results were extremely We're surprised the stupid thing
- gratifying. works.
- The entire concept will have The only person who understood
- to be abandoned. the thing quit.
- It's still in process. It's so wrapped up in red tape
- that the situation is hopeless.
- We'll look into it. Forget it! We have enough
- problems for now.
- Please read and initial. Let's spread responsibility
- around for the screw up.
- Give us the benefit of your We'll listen to what you have to
- thinking. say as long as it doesn't
- interfere with what we've already
- done.
- Give us your interpretation. I can't wait to hear this BS.
- See me, let's discuss it. Come into my office, I'm lonely.
- All new Parts not interchangeable with
- the previous design.
- Rugged Too damn heavy to lift!
- Lightweight Lighter than RUGGED.
- Years of development One finally worked.
- Energy saving Savings are achieved when the
- power switch is off.
- Low maintenance Impossible to fix if broken.
- ---